Kratki film
Režija: Jordan Goldnadel
Francuska, 2018.
Trajanje: 16 min.
Doga, 29 godina, radi u porodičnom restoranu u Argunu u Čečeniji. Kada je njegov tajni ljubavnik, Ruslan, iznenada uhapšen, Doga zna da je samo pitanje dana kada će isto da se desi i njemu.
Short film
Director: Jordan Goldnadel
France, 2018
Duration: 16 min
Doga, 29, works in the family restaurant in Argoun, Chechnya. When his secret lover, Ruslan, is suddenly arrested, Doga knows it’s only a matter of days for him too.
Jordan Goldnadel
Jordan Goldnadel is a French director, screenwriter, producer and actor. A Tisch graduate, he’s produced and directed several films -both shorts and features- that screened at over a hundred film festivals throughout the world. His first feature Happy, was sold internationally to several countries, including to the U.S. (available on Amazon Prime) and was nominated for 2 awards at the prestigious Henri Langlois Awards in 2016. He most recently produced Nathan Silver’s Thirst Street, which premiered at Tribeca in 2017. He develops project both in France and in the U.S. with his production company, The Third Generation.