Deep Dive


Kratki film
Režiser: Boris Gavrilović
Nemačka, 2019.
Trajanje: 18 minuta

Zajednički stan, odvojeni životi: Nadin i Džozef su zajedno nekoliko godina, ali još uvek nisu shvatili šta znači živeti zajedno. Kada Džozef prizna Nadin da ga zanimaju i muškarci, veza dobija drugačiji tok. Portret tihe krize odnosa.

Deep Dive
Short film
Director: Boris Gavrilović
Germany, 2019
Duration: 18

Shared apartment, separate lives: Nadine and Josef have been together for several years, but they still haven’t understood what it means to live together. When Josef confesses to Nadine that he is also interested in men, the relationship begins to take a turn. A portrait of a quiet relationship crisis.