

Kratki film

Režija: Maša Zia Lenárdič, Anja Wutej

Nemačka, Slovenija, 2018.

Trajanje: 8 min.

Svi smo to učinili pre. Jednom smo se osećali neugodno i mislili da će bežanje rešiti sve. Ali nije. Šta je to dom? Šta je udobnost? U kom trenutku ćemo rizikovati, uraditi pravi pokušaj, zbog čega ćemo ostati? I, možemo li ostati uopšte? Unutrašnja borba jedne kvir žene u tridesetim, koja pokušava pronaći svoje mesto pod suncem. Jednog dana sreće stariju ženu čija priča ima važan uticaj na njene odluke o životu.


Directors: Maša Zia Lenárdič, Anja Wutej

Germany, Slovenia, 2018

Duration: 8 min

We’ve all done it before. We felt uncomfortable in one place, and thought that running away would solve everything. But it didn’t. What is home? What is comfort? At which point will we take a risk, give it a real try, what will make us stay? And: Are we able to stay at all?

Maša Zia Lenardić

Born in 1984, in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Graduated from Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security in Ljubljana. In 2011 she starts working as a self-taught freelance filmmaker. Currently working and living in Berlin. Filmography: “Take It / Break It” (2011), “(A)Typical Couple” (2012) and “Queer Artivism” (2013).

Anja Wutej

Born in 1985, in Maribor, Slovenia. Graduated from Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. Apart from working in a small arthouse cinema she is also working as a freelance translator/interpreter. She has gained acting experience by appearing in several theatre plays and feature, short and promo films. Currently working and living in Berlin. Filmography: “Take It / Break It” (2011), “(A)Typical Couple” (2012) and “Queer Artivism” (2013).