Režija: Albert Karbo
Zemlja: Španija
Trajanje: 12 minuta
Kratki film
Elsa je šestogodišnje dete koje, kao i svi njenih godina, želi da živi srećno i slobodno. Ona zna da je drugačija od većine, ali uprkos mladim godinama je jasna: zna da je devojčica i da je kraljica svog života. Ko bi to mogao dovesti u pitanje? ELSA govori o toleranciji, različitostima i mogućnostima da izaberemo ko želimo da budemo.
Director: Albert Carbó
Country: Spain
Duration: 12 minutes
Short films
Elsa is a 6-year-old child who, like anyone her age, wants to live happly and free. She knows that she is different from most, but despite her young age she is clear: she knows that she is a girl and that she is the queen of her life. Who could question it? ELSA talks about tolerance, diversity and the possibility of choosing who we want to be.