Molim te mama, nemoj danas…
Kratki film
Režija: Renata Lučić
Hrvatska (Hrvatski sa engleskim titlom)
Trajanje: 14 minuta
Radnja filma vrti se oko mlade studentkinje imena Vini koja živi u Zagrebu. U kratkom susretu s majkom, koja se vraća iz Nemačke, Vini nenadano otkriva stranu sebe koja majci ruši sliku nje kao savršene kćeri.
Renata Lučić
Renata Lučić rođena je u Brčkom 24. februara 1991. Diplomirala je u novembru 2015. na Fakultetu za humanističke i društvene nauke u Zagrebu i ima master iz istorije. Njena master teza bila je „Ideološka tranzicija filmske kulture u republici Hrvatskoj 1945-1948“. Svoj prvi film „Molim te mama, nemoj danas…“, snimila je tokom radionice u Autonomnom kulturnom centru Medika. Nakon toga, pohađala je radionice pisanja scenarija, montaže, snimanja… U oktobru 2015. upisala se na radionicu „Kako izgraditi lik u dokumentarnom filmu“ u Fade-Inu, gde je napravila svoj treći film- „Čestica 81/5“. Trenutno studira na Akademiji dramskih umetnosti u Zagrebu.
Renata Lučić was born in Brčko on February 24, 1991. She graduated in November of 2015. at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb and attained the title Master of History. Her master thesis was ¨Ideological transition of film culture in RH 1945.-1948.¨. She made her first movie ¨Please mom, not today¨ during a workshop in Autonomous cultural center Medika. After that, she attended workshops of script, editing, shooting and others. In October of 2015. she enrolled in the workshop ¨Building a character in documentary movie¨ in Fade-in, where she made her third movie ¨Čestica 81/5¨. Currently she studying at Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb.
Please mum, not today…
Short film
Director: Renata Lucic
Croatia (Croatian with English subtitles)
Duration: 14′
The film revolves around a young student named Vini, who lives in Zagreb. In a short meeting with her mother, who has just returned from Germany, Vini suddenly discovers side of herself that destroys the image of her as a perfect daughter