Ljubavni jadi (2006)


Režija: Tudor Giurgiu
Uloge: Maria Popistasu, Ioana Barbu, Tudor Chirila
Zemlja: Rumunija
Trajanje: 86 minuta

Ovaj rumunski film prati dve studentkinje, Alex i Kiki koje žive u istoj zgradi. Njihovo prijateljstvo se brzo razvija, prolazi kroz nekoliko faza, od drugarstva do nežnosti. Iako su veoma različite, njih dve se odlično slažu, osim u trenucima kada se pojavi neko treći – Sandu. Kikin brat je konstantno ljubomoran, što implicira na incestnu povezanost dvoje rođaka. Ovaj film je premijerno prikazan na Berlinskom filmskom festivalu 2006. godine.

Love Sick

This Romanian film follows two students, Alex and Kiki who live in the same building. Their friendship quickly develops, goes through several stages, from friendship to tenderness. Although very different, the two of them have a great relationship, except in moments when a third person appears – Sandu. Kiki’s brother is constantly jealous, which implies on the incestuous correlation of two relatives. Premiere of this film was at the Berlin Film Festival in 2006.