Ljubavne pesme (2007)
Režija: Christophe Honoré
Uloge: Louis Garrel, Ludivine Sagnier, Chiara Mastroianni, Clotilde Hesme, Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet
Zemlja: Francuska
Trajanje: 91 minut
U pitanju je romantični mjuzikl koji je imao premijeru na Kanskom festivalu 2007. godine i bio nominovan za Zlatnu palmu. Film prati Juliju i njenog dečka Ismael koji žive zajedno, a priključuje im se njegova koleginica Alice. Njih troje se šetaju ulicama Pariza, obilaze žurke, čitaju, spavaju zajedno. Ponekad sve ide glatko, ponekad ima ljubomore. I onda dolazi do smrtnog slučaja. Oni koji su preživeli pokušavaju da nastave sa svojim životom i da prihvate odlazak voljene osobe, ali onda se duh vrati i nove veze su moguće.
Love Songs (2007)
This is a romantic musical, showed for the first time at the Cannes festival in 2007. That year film was nominated for the Golden Palm. The film follows Julia and her boyfriend Ismail who live together. His colleague Alice joins them. Three of them are walking the streets of Paris, visiting parties, reading, and sleep together. Sometimes everything goes smoothly, sometimes there is jealousy. And then there is a case of death. Those who survived try to continue with their lives and to accept the departure of a loved one … Are the new relationships possible?