Masala Mama


Director / Režija: Michael Kam
Singapur, 2010
Duration/ Trajanje: 9 min.

Masala Mama je film o pronalaženju saveznika i heroja u najneočekivanijim osobama. Mladi sin mora pomoći svom ocu u izdržavanju porodice, ali na veliko očevo razočarenje njegov sin se gubi u dnevnim maštarijama crtajući stripove o superherojima.

Masala Mama

Masala Mama is a film about finding allies and heroes in the most unlikely people. The young son of a struggling ‘rag-and-bone’ man must help his father support their family, though much to his father’s chagrin, the boy is constantly distracted by daydreams of drawing comic book superheroes.