Nema više nas
Kratki film
Režija: David Färdmar
Švedska, 2018.
Trajanje: 15 min.
Jednog jutra je sve gotovo. “Nema više nas”, kaže Hampus hladno svom vereniku Adrianu. Za Hampusa to je potpuno olakšanje da raskinu njihov destruktivni odnos, za Adriana to je poražavajuće. Adrian i Hampus sada moraju zajedno proći poslednje nedelje, pre nego što stigne poslednji dan. Mali film o velikoj temi sa kojom se većina nas može povezati. Ali, počnimo sa završetkom.
No More We
Short film
Director: David Färdmar
Sweden, 2018
Duration: 15 min
One morning it’s all over. ”There’s No More We”, says Hampus ice cold to his fiancé Adrian. For Hampus it’s a total relief to break up from their destructive relationship, for Adrian it’s devastating. Adrian and Hampus now have to live through their last week together, before the final day arrives. A small film about a big subject most of us can relate to. But, let’s begin with the ending.
David Färdmar
David Färdmar, born 1972 and raised in Färdsle, a small village at the West Coast in Sweden. Director, Producer, Screenwriter and Casting Director, now based in Gothenburg, Sweden. His multi-award winning short film MY NAME IS LOVE (2008), writer & director, has screened at 70 film festivals and won 10 awards. Starring Adam Lundgren (Don’t Ever Wipe Tears Without Gloves), Jonas Rimeika (Slim Susie) and, now Oscar Award Winner, Alicia Vikander (The Danish Girl) in one of her first films. He produced the short film LIFE IS TENNIS (2009), and directed & produced A STING OF MAUD, which won Best Swedish Novella Film/Audience Award at the G teborg Film Festival 2011. Starring Lisa Linnertorp (The Bridge IV), Reine Brynolfsson (Ravens) and the singer/actress Siw Malmkvist. In 2013, he produced the multi-award winning short film A LAST FAREWELL, directed by Casper Andreas, now screened at over 130 film festivals and winner of 18 awards. Starring Tomas von Br mssen (My Life as a Dog), Iwar Wiklander (The 100-year Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared) and Liv Mj nes (Kiss Me). In 2013, he also directed & produced the documentary feature film NO TEARS BEHIND THE CAMERA and a special short film version (2014), screened at the G teborg Film Festival. Between 2003-2014 David worked as a Casting Director at Rolands H rna Film for several Swedish TV-series ( ngelby, The Fat and the Angry, 183 Days & Snapphanar) and feature films (White People, Shed No Tears, She Monkeys, Ciao Bella & Storm). In 2015 he started his new production company, Färdmars Film, and the short film WE COULD BE PARENTS, directed by Bj rn Elgerd and co-directed & produced by David Färdmar was the first to be released in 2016, and has so far been screened at 33 film festivals and won 2 awards for Best International Short Film. The new short film NO MORE WE, written and directed by David Färdmar, will have its premiere in 2018.