


Kratki film

Režija: Lud Mônaco

Francuska, 2019.

Trajanje: 7 min.

Noć. Oko 22h. Mlada žena se priseća bivše devojke. Seća se slika i zvukova kao iz snova. Dok piše o kraju te afere ona je intenzivno oživljava, proživljava sve ispočetka, sve od dana kada su se upoznali. Neočekivano, dolazi do odgovora koji nikada nije tražila.


Short film

Director: Lud Mônaco

France, 2019

Duration: 7 min

Night. Around 10pm. A young woman dives into her memories of an ex-lover, recalling dream-like images and sounds. While writing about the end of the affair she intensively revivifies it, reliving it all over again, all the way back until the day they met. Unexpectedly, she then reaches an answer she had not been looking for.

Lud Mônaco

Born in São Paulo in 1987, Lud Mônaco is a Brazilian screenwriter & director, whose work explores the female universe. She studied film at the Barcelona Film School (ECIB) and her graduation project ‘Para, pero sigue’ was awarded best short film at the Lisbon & Estoril Film Festival. Names such as Peter Handke were amongst the awarding panel. The film was also bought by the well-known platform ShortsTV. Many of her short films have been featured in major festivals, such as the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, Mix Brasil and Sitges Film Festival. Her work has also been showcased in the prestigious Museum of Image and Sound of São Paulo. ‘Enjoy the Drama’, one of her short films, has been released in a collection by the Peccadillo Pictures. Lud Mônaco has been selected for the Berlinale Talents 2017 and and is currently developing her debut feature film, a tragicomedy set in Portugal. Based in both Barcelona and London, Lud has recently moved in to commercials, with her first project shooting for Uber. She is represented by Albiñana Films in Spain and Stable TV in the UK.