

Kratki film

Režija: Bjarke de Koning

Danska, 2017.

Trajanje: 20 min.

Renoviranje stana je trebalo da bude ostvarenje sna, novi dom za novu ljubav, a nepredviđeni problemi povećavaju njegovu teskobu do tačke preloma.


Short film

Director: Bjarke de Koning

Denmark, 2017

Duration: 20 min

Renovating the apartment was meant to be a dream come true, a new home for a new love, yet unforeseen problems heighten his anxieties to breaking point.

Bjarke de Koning

2004 Graduated from the European Film College.
2005-2009 de Koning worked on the street art project Painting Love and traveled around the world with friends to ask people to paint love on a 70×100 cm canvas.

