Silence is Deadly


Tišina je smrtonosna

Kratki film

Režija: Brice Veneziano

Francuska, 2018.

Trajanje: 1 min.

U Rusijj, protesti za prava LGBT+ osoba bivaju nasilno ugušeni. U Čečeniji, federalnoj oblasti Rusije, homoseksualci su maltretirani i ubijani. Kada te borba može koštati života, samo svet drugih te može spasiti.

Silence is Deadly

Short film

Director: Brice Veneziano

France, 2018

Duration: 1 min

In Russia, protests for the rights of LGBT+ people are often violently repressed. In Chechnya, Federal Subject of Russia, homosexuals continue to be hunted down, tortured or killed. When fighting can cost you life, only the word of the others can save you.

Brice Veneziano

Brice Veneziano is a young French director who lives in Paris. He studied scriptwriting at university and he worked as an editor during 2 years, but he wants to make movies since many years and he make his first short movie when he was fifteen years old. Since, he was the director, scriptwriter and editor of 7 shorts movies and now he hopes to make his first feature film coming soon.