

Režiser: Marli Morison
Zemlja: Velika Britanija
Trajanje: 103 minuta
Igrani film

Društveno čudna i ekološki osvešćena tinejdžerka ‘AJ’ ima nekoliko stvari na umu. Uglavnom kako metan iz svih krava uništava planetu, i kako bi radije bila bilo gde na svetu nego na odmoru sa svojom bolno neinspirativnom porodicom.


Director: Marley Morrison
Country of Origin: UK
Duration: 103 min
Feature Film

Socially awkward and environmentally conscious teen ‘AJ’ has a few things on her mind. Mostly how the methane from all the cows is destroying the planet, and how she would rather be anywhere in the world than on holiday with her painfully uninspiring family.