Kratki film
Režija: Joffre Faria Silva
Kanada, 2017.
Trajanje: 7 min.
Kada je majka pozvana u školu svog sina zbog incidenta koji se dogodio, vidimo kako društvo očekuje od ljudi da se ponašaju i kako se odnosi prema ljudima koji ne odgovaraju njihovim normama i pravilima.
The Kiss
Short film
Director: Joffre Faria Silva
Canada, 2017
Duration: 7 min
When a mother is summoned to her son’s school because of an incident that took place earlier on that day, we see the workings of how society expects people to behave and how it deals with people who do not conform to its norms and rules.
Joffre Faria Silva
Born in Brazil, Joffre Faria Silva lives in Toronto, where he works in art direction for the film and television industry. Joffre graduated with honors at Concordia University, Montreal, receiving his BFA in Specialization in Film Studies. He has written several short and feature-length films in both Portuguese and English languages. He has directed six short films and one feature-length, Offside (Impedimento), which was shown in fourteen film festivals around the world garnering six awards. He is currently working on producing his next feature-length film, Famílias.