Više od 2
Režija: Jen Šen, Vu
Zemlja: Tajvan
Trajanje: 9 minuta
Animirani film
Ovaj film govori o dvoje vanzemaljaca Robinu i Ešli, koji su došli na Zemlju kao vanzemaljski biolozi sa planete po imenu Okean, a njihova svrha je da se ušunjaju u ljudsko društvo, posmatraju, beleže i iskuse ljudski život i kulturu. Prvobitno je sve išlo dobro, ali su postepeno Robin i Ešli počeli da shvataju da na ovoj planeti postoje neka nepisana pravila, a to su propisi života koje ljudska bića moraju da poštuju (odnosno rodni stereotipi). Ova „neizgovorena pravila“ ostavila su Robin i Ešli na gubitku. Nakon što su pretrpeli sve vrste mučenja, postepeno su se razočarali u ljudsko društvo. Konačno su shvatili da nisu pogodni za život ovde. Na kraju su odlučili da napuste zemlju i vrate se na svoju planetu kako bi pronašli pravu slobodu.
More than 2
Directors: Yen Sheng, Wu
Country of Origin: Taiwan
Duration: 9 minutes
Animated Film
This film is about two aliens Robin and Ashley, who came to Earth as an alien biologist from a planet named Ocean, their purpose is to sneak into human society, observe, record and experience human life and culture. Originally everything was going well, but gradually Robin and Ashley began to realize that there are some unwritten rules on this planet, which are the regulations of life that human beings must obey (that is, gender stereotypes). These “unspoken rules” left Robin and Ashley at a loss. After suffering all kinds of torture, they gradually became disappointed with human society. They finally understood that they were not suitable for living here. In the end, they decided to leave the earth and return to their home planet to find true freedom.