You will be mine


Režija / Director: Sophie Laloy
Uloge: Judith Davis, Marc Chapiteau, Fabienne Babe
Francuska, (2009) 96 minuta

Marie odlazi na studije klavira na konzervatorijumu u Lionu. Zbog manjka novca ona deli stan sa Emmom, prijateljicom porodice koja živi sama od kada joj je otac umro. One razvijaju čudnu fascinaciju jedna za drugu, koja vremenom postaje intenzivna potreba jedna za drugom…

You will be mine

Marie leaves home to study the piano at the conservatory in Lyons. Through lack of money, she is obliged to share an apartment with Emma, a friend of the family who has lived alone since the death of her father. The two young women develop a strange fascination for one another, which soon develops into an intense mutual need…