Popodne sa Patrickom Sarfatijem
Režija: Antony Hickling
Zemlja: Francuska
Godina produkcije: 2023.
Trajanje: 75 min.
Nakon godinu dana sastanaka i zbližavanja, filmski autor Anthony Hickling i fotograf Patrick Sarfati preduzimaju korake. Trenutak istine je došao, kamera ulazi u dnevnu sobu legendarnog fotografa koji je započeo dokumentovanje LGBTQ zajednice još 1979. godine, fokusirajući se uglavnom na LGBTQ umetnike i kulturne ikone. Sarfati ima impresivnu arhivu fotografija iz mnogih decenija u svojoj dnevnoj sobi, portrete slavnih ličnosti koje skrivaju fascinantne priče i zabavne anegdote koje deli s oduševljenjem. S nekim od svojih subjekata Patrick je imao prijateljske odnose, a ponekad i više od toga – Keith Haring, Jeanne Moreau, Coccinelle, Bette Davis, Grace Jones, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Roland Barthes, James Baldwin, Tom of Finland, Jean-Claude Van Damme i mnogi drugi. Ovo je intimno druženje s veoma šarenim i fascinantnim likom s kojim biste voleli da provedete jedno popodne.
An afternoon with Patrick Sarfati
After a year of meetings and bonding, filmmaker Anthony Hickling and photographer Patrick Sarfati make the move. The moment of truth has arrived, getting a camera into the living room of the legendary stills photographer that began to document the LGBTQ community back in 1979 and focused mainly on LGBTQ artists and cultural icons. Sarfati’s living room is a stunning archive of photos from many decades, portraits of celebrities that hide fascinating stories and amusing anecdotes that he shares with glee. With some of his subject Patrick had a friendly relationships and sometimes even beyond – Keith Haring, Jeanne Moreau, Coccinelle, Bette Davis, Grace Jones, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Roland Barthes, James Baldwin, Tom of Finland, Jean-Claude Van Damme and many more. This is an intimate meeting with a very colorful and fascinating character that you’d love to spend an afternoon with.