Subota, 10. decembar 20:30 Velika sala Doma omladine Beograda
Petak, 9. decembar 21:00 Kulturni centar Novog Sada (Slobodan ulaz)
Bobi je neurotični voditelj podkasta koji rado ide na Tinder sastanke i zadovoljan je time što nema ozbiljnu vezu. To se sve menja kada upozna Arona, jednako nezainteresovanog advokata koji voli da se muva sa momcima. U čestom kontaktu, oba muškarca počinju da pokazuju svoje ranjive strane dok se njihova neosporna privlačnost pretvara u nešto što liči na vezu.
Bobby is a neurotic podcast host who’s happy to go on Tinder dates and content not to have a serious relationship. That all changes when he meets Aaron, an equally detached lawyer who likes to play the field. Repeatedly drawn to each other, both men begin to show their vulnerable sides as their undeniable attraction turns into something resembling a commitment.