Zauzmi pozu
Dokumentarac, mjuzikl
Režiseri: Ester Gould, Reijer Zwaan
Holandija, Belgija (Engleski sa srpskim titlom)
Trajanje: 83 minuta
Godine 1990, sedmorica mladih muških igrača pridružilo se Madoni na njenoj najkontroverznijoj „Blond Ambition“ turneji. I na pozornici i u filmu „Truth or Dare“ oni su pokazali kako neko treba da izrazi sebe. Sada, 25 godina kasnije, oni otkrivaju istinu o životu tokom i nakon te turneje. Strike A Pose je dramatična priča o pobeđivanju srama i pronalaženju hrabrosti da se bude ono što jesi.
Ester Gould
Ester Guld, rođena u Škotskoj u Velikoj Britaniji 1975, studirala je novinarstvo i film u Amsterdamu i Nju Jorku. Njen debitantni dugometražni film SHOUT osvojio je nagradu za najbolji film na Međunarodnom festivalu dokumentarnog filma u Londonu 2010.
Born in Scotland, UK in 1975, she studied journalism and film in Amsterdam and New York. Her debut feature documentary SHOUT (co-directed by Sabine Lubbe Bakker) won the prize for Best Film at the London International Documentary Film Festival in 2010.
Reijer Zwaan
Rođen u Amsterdamu u Holandiji 1981, studirao je glumu na Institutu za pozorište i film – Lee Strazberg, a zatim političke nauke u Amsterdamu i Nju Jorku. On je zamenik urednika u ‘Nieuwsuur’, glavnom programu za aktuelna dešavanja u Holandiji.
Born in Amsterdam, the Netherlands in 1981, he studied acting at the Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute in New York and then politics in Amsterdam and New York. He is deputy editor-in-chief for ‘Nieuwsuur’ (Newshour), the main current affairs programme in the Netherlands.
Strike a Pose
Documentary, Music
Directors: Ester Gould, Reijer Zwaan
Netherlands, Belgium (English with Serbian subtitles)
Duration: 83′
In 1990, seven young male dancers – 6 gay, 1 straight – joined Madonna on her most controversial tour. On stage and in the iconic film Truth or Dare they showed the world how to express yourself. Now, 25 years later, they reveal the truth about life during and after the tour. Strike a Pose is a dramatic tale about overcoming shame and finding the courage to be who you are.