Zvezda padalica
Kratki film
Režija: Hermino Cardiel
Španija, 2017.
Trajanje: 1 min.
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Short film
Director: Herminio Cardiel
Spain, 2017
Duration: 1 min
Make a wish…
Herminio Cardiel
Herminio Cardiel was born in Valladolid (Spain) on July 30, 1984. He studied Audiovisual Communication Bachelor in the University of Wales. He specialized in Audiovisual Narrative. After he taught Film and TVPerforming at the School of Journalism and Communication at Valladolid. He has organized and taught numerous film workshops. He has worked in many films of short films, feature films, commercials and video clips; and he has extensive experience in TV. He gets many selections and awards in national and international festivals: Festival de Málaga, SEMINCI, Aguilar de Campoo, Medina del Campo, Festival de Alicante, Notodofilmfest, FIBABC, New York Film Festival, Orlando Film Festival, Route 66 International Film Festival, Golden Diana International Film Festival… Some of his short films are: SPLASH, THE COLD SIDE OF THE PILLOW, FOCUS, RUNNER, COCKROACH and LIGHTNING NEVER STRIKES TWICE IN THE SAME PLACE. Now he is preparing his first feature film.