Dan kada je Marty McFly otišao u budućnost
Režija: Eli Navarro
Španija (Španski sa engleskim i srpskim titlom)
Trajanje: 4 minuta
Bilo je jasno da 21. oktobar 2105te neće biti jedan od uobičajenih dana.
Eli Navarro
Studirala je audio-vizuelne komunikacije na Univerzitetu u Malagi i Barseloni i nakon diplomiranja radi kao montažer na Regionalnoj televiziji Andaluzije. Od 2009. godine snimila je osam kratkih filmova koji su bili selektovani na nacionalnim i međunarodnim festivalima, od kojih su najveće uspehe imali filmovi “Neighboring” iz 2012. godine, koji je selektovan na preko 90 festivala i dobio 10 nagrada i “The day that Marty McFly go to the future” koji je dobio nagradu za najbolji kratki film snimljen mobilnim telefonom na Notodorfimfestu.
She studied Audiovisual Communication at University of Malaga and Barcelona and after completing a graduate degree in Television Reporting starts working as an editor for the Andalusian regional television. Since 2009 she made eight short films, all with selections in national and international festivals and highlighting two of them: “Neighboring” (2012) with more than 90 international selections and 10 awards and “The day that Marty McFly go to the future” (2016) nominated for best short recorded with mobile in the last edition of Notodofilmfest.
The day that Marty McFly go to the future
Director: Eli Navarro
Spain (Spanish with Englsih and Serbian subtitles)
Duration: 4′
It was clear that the October 21, 2015 would not be an ordinary day…