Režija: Colette Bothof
Uloge: Sigrid ten Napel, Jade Olieberg, Lisa Smit, Ella-June Henrard, Martijn Lakemeijer, Rik Verheye
Holandija (2014)
Jezik: Holandski
Titlovi: Srpski
Trajanje: 89’
Da li se usuđujete da budete drugačiji u mestu gde sve ostaje isto?
Leto je sparno i vruće u selu gde svakodnevni život dominira zujanjem elektrane. Ana (16) i njeni prijatelji provode dane vozeći bicikle krivudavim putevima koji vode nigde i svuda – to je vreme avanture i mladalačkog buđenja. Ana se, međutim, oseća kao autsajder, sve dok nije upoznala Lenu, novu devojku u mestu koja vozi motor, nosi kožu i razlikuje se od ostalih. One će se zaljubiti jedna u drugu i njihova mlada ljubav će se odvijati u svoj svojoj nežnoj neugodnosti.
Prikazivanje ovog filma podržano je od strane Holandske ambasade u Beogradu
Director: Colette Bothof
Stars: Sigrid ten Napel, Jade Olieberg, Lisa Smit, Ella-June Henrard, Martijn Lakemeijer, Rik Verheye
Netherlands (2014)
Duration: 89′
Do you dare to be different in a place where everything stays the same?
The summer is sweltering and hot in a village where everyday life is dominated by the humming power plant. Anne (16) and her friends spend their days biking through the winding roads that lead nowhere and everywhere – it’s a time of adventure and youthful awakening. Anne, however, feels like an outsider, until she meets Lena, a new girl in town who rides a motorbike, wears leather, and is different from everybody else. The two girls rapidly fall for one another and young love unfolds in all its tender awkwardness.
This screening supported by the Dutch Embassy in Belgrade