U for Usha
U znači Usha
Kratki film
Režija: Rohan Parashuram Kanawade
Indija, 2019.
Trajanje: 22 min.
Usha, je nepismena samohrana majka koja radi na farmi u ruralnom delu Indije. Nju privlači žena koja je nastavnica u lokalnoj osnovnoj školi, na načine na koje pre nije znala da su mogući. Ova privlačnost igra bitnu ulogu u njenoj inspiraciji da čita i piše jer se nada da će jednog dana biti dobra u tome kao što je nastavnica.
U for Usha
Short film
Director: Rohan Parashuram Kanawade
India, 2019
Duration: 22 min
Usha, an illiterate single mother who works as a farm laborer in rural India, finds herself drawn to a female teacher of local primary school, in ways she never knew possible. This attraction plays an important part, in firing her passion to read and write as she hopes to be as good as the teacher, one day. ‘U Ushacha’ is a subtle portrayal of sexual awakening, as well as how a naïve attraction can empower a woman to take control of her life, and make each day, something to look forward to.
Rohan Parashuram Kanawade
After completing a diploma in Interior Designing, Rohan Kanawade spent as much time as possible honing his storytelling craft despite having no formal training in filmmaking. In 2010 he left his full-time job and began working as freelance interior designer to give time to film writing and direction. Film after film the quality and technique of his storytelling improved, and in 2017 his short ‘Khidkee’ got selected in Indian Panorama section of 48th International Film Festival of India, 2017. Impressed by his work, mythology writer Devdutt Pattanaik extended his financial support to Rohan’s next short ‘U Ushacha’ which he completed in mid-January 2019.