Mepltorp: Gledaj fotografije
Dokumentarni film
Režiseri: Fenton Bailey, Randy Barbato
Zemlja: SAD (Engleski sa srpskim titlom)
Trajanje: 108 minuta
Dve nominacije za Primetime Emmy Awards
On je bio katalizator i iluminator, ali i magnet za skandal. Od rane mladosti Robert Mepltorp imao je samo jedan cilj: da uspe, ne samo kao umetnik, već i kao slavna ličnost. Nije mogao da izabere bolje vreme za to: to je Menheten za vreme Vorholove Fabrike, Studia 54, nakon nemira u Stonvolu, u eri neobuzdane hedonističke seksualnosti. Njegova prva samostalna izložba 1976. godine predstavila je njegove teme: erotika, cveće i portreti. Postao je poznat po seriji eksplicitno seksualnih fotografija gej sadomazohističke scene i golih slika crnih muškaraca.
Fenton Bailey & Randy Barbato
Fenton Bejli i Rendi Barbato napravili su ogroman broj dokumentaraca o ikonama i poznatima gej i lezbejskog andergraunda. Njihov dokumentarac INSIDE DEEP THROAT, prikazan je na Berlinale Panorami 2005. Nekoliko njihovih filmova predstavljeno je na Sundance filmskom festivalu, uključujući i BECOMING CHAZ. Osvojili su IDA Pioneer Award 2014.
Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato have made a large number of documentaries about icons and celebrities of the gay and lesbian underground. Their documentary INSIDE DEEP THROAT screened in the Berlinale Panorama in 2005. Several of their films have been presented at the Sundance Film Festival, including BECOMING CHAZ in 2011. They won the IDA Pioneer Award in 2014.
Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures
Directors: Fenton Bailey, Randy Barbato
USA (English with Serbian subtitles)
Duration: 108′
Awards: Two nominations for Primetime Emmy Awards
He was a catalyst and an illuminator, but also a magnet for scandal. From an early age Robert Mapplethorpe had but one goal which he single-mindedly pursued: to ‘make it’ not just as an artist but also as an art celebrity. He could not have picked a better time: it is the Manhattan of Warhol’s Factory, of Studio 54 and, following the Stonewall riots, an era of unbridled hedonistic sexuality. His first solo exhibition in 1976 already unveils his topics: erotic depictions, flowers and portraits. He is gaining notoriety through his series of explicitly sexual photographs from the gay sadomasochistic scene as well as nude pictures of black men.