Sigurna zona
Kratki film
Režija: Hans Lein
Belgija (Turski sa englskim i srpskim titlovima)
Trajanje: 9 minuta
Sigurna Zona se odnosi na kratki momenat nakon što osoba čuje poruku koje se plaši; smrti voljenog sina. U emocionalnoj vrtešci osećanja, sećanja i stvarnosti koja pogađa Meral, Kemalovu majku ona shvata da je izgubila Kemala.
Hand Lein
Hans Lein je belgijski režiser koji živi u Roterdamu. Režirao je nekoliko kratkih filmova, kao što su Thru her eyes, Zir, Hidden, Jay’s Taste. Safe Zone je elegija o smrti voljenog sina, lament i tužbalica namučene majke.
Hans Lein is a Belgian director who lieves in Rotterdam. He directed several short films such as Thru her eyes,Zir, Hidden, Jay’s Taste. Safe Zone is a elegy on the death of a beloved son. A lament, sadness and indictment of a tormented mother.
Safe Zone
Short film
Director: Hans Lein
Belgium (Turkish with English and Serbian subtitles)
Duration: 9′
Safe Zone focuses on the brief moment after hearing a dreaded message; the death of a loving son. In an emotional rollercoaster feelings, memories and reality rage through the mind of Meral, the mother of Kemal. She realizes she has lost Kemal.