Short film
Režija: Ron Jäger
Nemačka, 2018.
Trajanje: 20 min.
Svako ima svoje snove i strahove. Da li smo svi povezani ili smo stvarno sami na ovom svetu? Theo se izgubio. Porodica, ljubav, ništa ne ide po planu. I dalje upoznaje sam sebe. Shvatio je svoja osećanja prema Linusu, ali Linus još uvek ne zna, da li može da podnese svoja osećanja. Kao što se može očekivati, Theo napreduje mnogo bolje od svojih kolega, a niko ne stoji na njegovoj strani. Gospodin Kruger, izgleda kao čudni stari učitelj, ne odustaje od sopstvenih snova. On bi mogao biti onaj ko razume Thea.
Short film
Director: Ron Jäger
Germany, 2018
Duration: 20 min
Everybody has their own dreams and fears. Are we all connected or are we really all alone in this world? Theo feels lost. Family, love, everything seems to go wrong. He is still getting to know himself. He realized his feelings for Linus, but Linus doesn’t know yet, if he can give into his feelings. As can be expected, Theo gets attacked a lot by his classmates, and nobody stands by his side. Mr. Kruger, seen by most as merely an odd old teacher, is not giving up on his own dreams. He could be the one who understands Theo.
Ron Jäger
Ron Jäger is a twenty-two years old filmstudent. He studies the courses „Television and Film“ at the DEKRA Hochschule für Medien in Berlin. He focuses on adolescents and the madness of school life in his films.