The proposal
Kratki animirani film
Režija: Gerlando Infuso
Belgija, 2018.
Trajanje: 12 min.
Icaro odlučuje da za dan zaljubljenih zaprosi svoju prelepu Vanillu u njihovom omiljenom restoranu- Zlatna školjka. Dimitri, glavni kuvar, radi sve što je u njegovoj moći da spreči mladog zavodnika stavljajući u pitanje Icarovu ozbiljnu odanost.
The proposal
Short animated film
Director: Gerlando Infuso
Belgium, 2018
Duration: 12 min
Icaro chooses Valentine’s Day to propose to his beautiful Vanilla in their favorite restaurant: The Golden Mussel. But Dimitri, the chef, does everything to get in the way of the young seducer, putting Icaro’s sincere commitment at stake.
Gerlando Infuso
Born in 1986, Gerlando INFUSO followed his visual art studies at La Cambre (Brussels) in the animation section. During his formation, he produced exclusively animated short films. His first short film « Margot », realized during his third year, won the junior prize of the jury at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival in 2008. In 2009, he realized his second student short film « Milovan Circus » which won about fifteen international awards (including the public prize at Anima). In June 2009, the French singer RoBERT asked him to realize the clip of his song « Ange et Démon ». In 2010, Gerlando’s final student film « L’Oeil du Paon » was very well welcomed by festivals. A year later, Gerlando realized the video clip « Franky’s Princess » for the singer Emilie SIMON. In 2014, he released his first short movie produced by Eklektik Productions , « Les Pécheresses ».In June 2018, he finished his last short film “The Proposal” produced by Kwassa Films.