


Kratki film

Režija: Jędrzej Gorski

Poljska, 2018.

Trajanje: 5 min.

Priča o mladom katoliku koji se bori sa svojom homoseksualnošću. On je zaljubljen u drugog muškarca ali takođe ne želi da napusti svoju veru. On jednog kišnog dana na selu mora da izabere između ljubavi i vere.


Short film

Director: Jędrzej Gorski

Poland, 2018

Duration: 5 min

A story of a young Catholic man who is struggling with his homosexuality. He is in love with another man but also does not want to abandon his religion. He has to choose between love and religion on one rainy day in the countryside.

Jędrzej Gorski

Jędrzej Gorski was born in 1998 in Warsaw, Poland. He is a student of Warsaw Film School. During his education, his short films were awarded on national and international film festivals. He is a second director of short film ,,Control” 5mln views on YouTube. Jędrzej worked with many Polish bands and created for them music videos.