Iza ružičaste zavese (2009)


Režija: Mathew Charles
Zemlja: UK

U decembru 2008. godine je u londonskom hotelu „Covent Garden“ održana premijera ovog dokumentarca, koji obređuje temu prava gej-lezbijske populacije u Istočnoj Evropi i pravi paralelu sa Velikom Britanijom i Evropskom unijom. U filmu govore gej aktivisti iz britanskih gej grupa, aktivisti iz Srbije, Litvanije i mnogi drugi.
Nakon sloma komunizma u Istočnu Evropu došla je sloboda za milione ljudi i homoseksualnost je legalizovana, ali je homofobija i dalje ostala institucionalna praksa u tim zemljama. Gej-lezbijska populacija i dalje trpi nasilje, Parade ponosa su nasilno prekidane, zakonska zaštita je slaba ili nepostojeća, a na Zapad gledaju kao na savršeno mesto bez homofobije. Iako su gej-lezbijska prava na Zapada na mnogo višem nivou nego na Istoku, autor ovog dokumentarca želi da pokaže da situacija nije savršena, da postoji velika mogućnost kako Istok i Zapad mogu mnogo da nauče jedni od drugih u borbi za ravnopravnost i poziva na solidarnost Zapada sa Istokom.

Beyond the Pink Curtain (2008)

This documentary had its premiere in December 2008 in the hotel “Covent Garden” in London. Film deals with the rights of gay-lesbian population in Eastern Europe and makes a parallel with Britain and the European Union. In the film you will see many gay activists from British gay groups, activists from Serbia, Lithuania and many others.
After the collapse of communism, the freedom for millions of people came to Eastern Europe and homosexuality was legalized, but homophobia remained institutional practice in these countries. Gay-lesbian population still suffers from violence, Pride Parades were violently interrupted, legal protection is weak or non-existent, and on the other hand the West is uncritically viewed as a space without homophobia. The author of this documentary wants to show that the situation is not perfect in the West, although gay-lesbian rights are on a much higher level than in the East. There is a strong possibility that East and West can learn a lot from each other in the struggle for equality.