Kratki animirani film
Režija: Bassem Ben Brahim
Tunis, 2019.
Trajanje: 7 min.
Priča o homoseksualcu od njegovog rođenja, drugačijeg detinjstva, drugačije ljubavi, njegovog životnog puta, prepreka u društvu, porodici I zakonu, I o tome kako će na kraju pokušati da odbrani svoj život I slobodu.
Short animated film
Director: Bassem Ben Brahim
Tunisia, 2019
Duration: 7 min
A story of a homosexual guy since his existence, his different childhood, his different love, his path, the obstacles envisaged in society, the family and the law, and how he will manifest himself in the end to defend his life his freedom
Bassem Ben Brahim
Ben Brahim Bassem, 24 years old student in research master’s degree in “techniques and sciences of audio visual and cinema” ESAC” (graduate school of audiovisual and cinema). Graduated in master professional in video editing in the same school “2019” – have degree in image design specialty audiovisual publicity in the Higher Institute of Fine Arts of Nabeul of the Fine Arts School Nabeul “ ISBAN “ in 2017. I started my humble carriene in the field of cinema since 2012 to parit the youth house in my little village “Skalba”, after I tried to create amateur short films and participate in film festivals even I managed with my friends has in a competition in France “24H Realisation” in 2015. In the meantime I joined the Tunisian federation of cinema-clubs as volunteers since 2014 to take care of most of time of audio-visual capsules and all that is image and video editing in the FIFAK (I was film and edit 4 films of children fiction and animation stop motion between 2017-2019) – Cinema of the peace? – JCC “ Also I’m interested in writing film scripts and developing new ideas , creation animation short films (Stop motion)