


Kratki film

Režija: Jorge Yudice

Španija, 2019.

Trajanje: 5 min.

Kao i svakog popodneva, Alicia priprema šolju čaja i gleda svoj omiljeni youtube kanal: VictorGaming. Kanal sa video igrama. Victor, jutjuber, uživo odgovara na pitanja fanova. Alicia ima veoma bitnu stvar koju želi da mu kaže.


Short film

Director: Jorge Yudice

Spain, 2019

Duration: 5 min

Like every afternoon, Alicia prepares a cup of tea and watch her favorite youtube channel: VictorGaming. A role action video games channel. Victor, the youtuber, is streaming now answering questions from his fans. Alicia has a very important thing to say to him.

Jorge Yudice

Graduated at ESCAC. He combines his job as advertising editor with the direction of short films. Highlights his short films “Simetría”, “Llums” and especially “Bus Story” that has been selected in over one hundred festivals, winning national and international awards. Currently he is on his first featured film.