

Kratki film

Režija: Víctor Luis Quintero, Sergio Rey Sánchez

Španija, 2017.

Trajanje: 25 min.

Danas je najvažniji dan u životu Suso i Rikarda: nakon nekoliko godina u vezi oni će se venčati. Rikard dolazi iz katalonske porodice užeglog porekla; Suso, iz ponizne porodice iz La Manče. Obe porodice su oduševljene brakom. Ali zapravo, ne svi: Adela, Susova baka, biće prisutna na večeri, ali ne zna da ono što se proslavlja je venčanje njenog unuka.

The Marriage

Short film

Directors: Víctor Luis Quintero, Sergio Rey Sánchez

Spain, 2017

Duration: 25 min

Today is the most important day in the lives of Suso and Ricard: after several years in a relationship they’re going to get married. Ricard comes from a Catalan family of rancid lineage; Suso, from a humble one in La Mancha. Both of their families are delighted with the marriage. Well, not all: Adela, Suso’s grandmother, will be present at the dinner, but unaware that what’s being celebrated is her grandson’s wedding day.

Victor Quintero

He was born in Tenerife (Spain) in 1989. In 2007 he moves to Madrid to work in cinema industry.This way, he studies the Bachelor’s degree en Journalism and Audiovisual Communication in Carlos III University of Madrid, and later a Master en Cinema and Television in the same university. Nowadays, he’s working as the production assistant of the TV program “Ninja Warrior” for Antena3, and he’s also been working as a part of the Direction Team in “El secreto de Puente Viejo”, a TV Serie, “Princesa de Hielo”, a short film produced by El Deseo, the film production company of Pedro Almodóvar, and a several advertising spots.

Sergio Rey

He was born in Madrid (Spain) in 1985. Due to his genuine vocation for working in film industry, he studies the Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Audiovisual Communication in Carlos III University of Madrid. After several years of working in TV, he gets his specialization by studying a Master in Management of Film Industry. This experience takes him directly to work in the Communication Deparment of El Deseo, the film production company of Pedro Almodóvar. This way, he’s been working for them since 2012 till present, in the promotion of films like I’m so excited! (Pedro Almodóvar, 2013), Wild Tales (Damián Szifron, 2015), The clan (Pablo Trapero, 2016), Julieta (Pedro Almodóvar, 2016) and Zama (Lucrecia Martel).