Kada bi samo bio moj


Kratki film

Režija: David Benedek

Slovačka, 2017.

Trajanje: 23 min.

Dominik je mladi diplomac koji doživljava svoju prvu vezu. Adam postaje mentor, idol i prva ljubav za njega. Uz odličan osećaj, postoje i velike neizvesnosti. Saznaje da on ne pripada njegovom svetu mlade Bratislave, ali i dalje pokušava da uspostavi njihovu vezu…

If Only You Were Mine

Short film

Director: David Benedek

Slovakia, 2017

Duration: 23 min

Dominik is a young graduate experiencing his first relationship. Adam becomes a mentor, idol and first love for him. With great feeling, there are also great uncertainties. He finds out that he doen’t belong to his world of young Bratislava, but he still tries to make their relationship work…

David Benedek

He graduated from Vocational high school of printing, studying digital media. He became interested in film editing and directing. In 2015 he got accepted to study Film and Television Directing at the Academy of Performing Ards, where he is currently in masters degree. His short movies are dedicated to difficulties of young people and LGBT community.
