
Subota, 10. novembar 19:00 Kulturni centar Novog Sada (Slobodan ulaz)

Počinjemo sa Magnus gej kulturnim festivalom, koji je organizovan 1984. godine u ŠKUC-u u Ljubljani i koji je uključivao LGBT Film Festival – prvi LGBT filmski festival u Evropi. Iste godine osnovana je takozvana „Magnus sekcija“ – prvi organizovani gej pokret u bivšoj Jugoslaviji, a verovatno i u istočnoj Evropi – u okviru ŠKUC-Foruma, koji je okupljao različite alternativne i građanske društvene pokrete u to vreme. Prve godine karakterišu klupska dešavanja (jedina takve vrste u bivšoj Jugoslaviji) i organizacija manifestacija i festivala. Slovenački LGBT pokret postao je najprogresivniji pokret tog vremena i aktivan je i danas kroz različite oblike i organizacije.


We begin with the Magnus Gay Culture Festival, which was organised in 1984 in ŠKUC in Ljubljana and which included the LGBT Film Festival—the first LGBT film festival in Europe. In the same year, the so-called “Magnus Section” — the first organised gay movement in the former Yugoslavia and probably in Eastern Europe as well — was established in the context of the ŠKUC-Forum, which brought together various alternative and civil social movements of that time. The first years were characterised by club events (the only of their kind in the former Yugoslavia) and the organisation of events and festivals. The Slovenian LGBT movement became the most progressive movement of that time and is still active today in different forms and organisations.