Gde god se naše najdraže ulice sreću
Kratki film
Režija: Alice Name-Bomtempo
Brazil, 2017.
Trajanje: 18 min.
Helena je otišla u bioskop i srela Tainu. Možda saznamo šta se desilo posle. Ili možda i ne.
Wherever Our Favorite Streets Meet
Short film
Director: Alice Name-Bomtempo
Brazil, 2017
Duration: 18 min
Helena went to the movies and met Tainá. We might know whatever it is that happened later on. Or we might not.
Alice Name-Bomtempo
Alice Name-Bomtempo graduated of Film from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) and worked on the screenwriting teams of the following TV series: Magnificent 70 (HBO), Vai Que Cola (Multishow), A Vila (Multishow) e Mais Cor, Por Favor (GNT). She wrote and directed the short films Every Memory Speaks Of Me (2015) and Wherever our Streets Meet (2017) that have been screened in over 30 film festivals in Brazil and around the world.