Night and Day


Noć i dan
Kratki film
Režiser: Peter Antoni
SAD, 2018.
Trajanje: 10 minuta

Noć i dan je priča o dva života, ujaku i njegovom nećaku. Nikad se nisu upoznali. Zapravo, nećak nikad nije znao za postojanje svog ujaka dok se nije autovao svojoj porodici. Ova dvojica muškaraca su živela veoma različito, zbog vremenskih perioda u kojima su rođena. Priča je jedinstveno ispričana kroz lutkarsku scenu i marionete.

Night and Day
Short film
Director: Peter Anthony
USA, 2018
Duration: 10

Night and Day is a story of two lives, an uncle and his nephew. Neither has ever met. In fact, the nephew never knew of his uncle’s existence until his own coming out to his family. These two men lived very different lives due to the time periods in which they were born. The story is uniquely told via a puppet stage and marionettes.