The Half Wall



Kratki film

Režija: Ida Hansen Eldøen

Norveška, 2018.

Trajanje: 6 min.

Pauza za ručak jednog para ne ide po planu otkako su započeli razgovor o renoviranju kupatila u svojoj brvnari. Odjednom počinju da se raspravljaju što vodi do serije nesporazuma. Inspirisano razgovorom koji je režiser imao sa svojom ženom “Poluzid” priča o poteškoćama u komunikaciji, i kako to nekad vodi do glupih i kasnije smešnih nesporazuma.

The Half Wall

Short film

Director: Ida Hansen Eldøen

Norway, 2018

Duration: 6 min

A couples lunch break does not go as planned when they start a discussion about how they can renovate their cabin bathroom. They suddenly find themselves in a heated argument which lead to a series of misunderstandings. Based on a conversation the director had with her wife, «The Half Wall» tells a true story about the difficulties of communication, and how it sometimes leads to stupid and (later) laughable misunderstandings.

Ida Hansen Eldøen

Ida H. Eldøen (b. 1981) is a Norwegian writer, director and producer. She is the CEO of the production company Tagline, which she co-founded. Ida studied at Nordland College of Art and Film and has a master degree in Film Studies from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Ida is fearless and straightforward, and brings everyday situations, as well as imaginative explosions up on the canvas. Her short film «The Half Wall» has screened at over 20 festivals in Europe, USA, Canada and Asia, and won the Audience Award at West Nordic International Film Festival in 2018. Her latest film «The Evil Principal» won the Children’s Choice Award at Nordisk Panorama in September 2019.