Director / Režija: Joan Braderman
USA, 2009
Duration / Trajanje: 95 min.
Film po prvi put razotkriva dešavanja unutar drugog talasa ženskog pokreta. Želeći da postane režiser, Joan Braderman se preselila u Njujork 1971. godine. Igrom slučaja se pridružila Heresisu pri osnivanju 1975. godine – kolektivu feminističkih umetnica koji se našao u epicentru umetničkog života donjeg Menhetna sedamdesetih godina prošlog veka.Članice Heresis kolektiva, sada već ostvareni umetnici, pisci, arhitekte, režiseri, kustosi, i profesori – raštrkani su širom sveta – intimno pričaju o izvanrednim vremenima koje su provodile zajedno.
The Heretics
The Film uncovers for the first time in a feature film, the inner workings of the Second Wave of the Women’s Movement. Following her dream of becoming a filmmaker, Joan Braderman moved to New York City in 1971. By lucky chance, she joined Heresies when it was founded in 1975 – A feminist art collective at the epicenter of the 1970s art world in lower Manhattan, members of the Heresies Collective, now accomplished artists, writers, architects, filmmakers, curators, and teachers – scattered around the world – speak intimately about the extraordinary times they shared.