Torten im Sand


Režija / Director: Christoph Scheermann
Nemačka, (2010) 22 min.

Može li ljubav da spasi ono što seks uništi?
Tim i Julian su u velikoj ljubavi ali ovaj gej par ne može da ima seks. Ako ne možete seksualno da zadovoljite osobu koju volite, da li je to dovoljan razlog da raskinete dugu vezu? Ovaj film daje odgovor. Na vikend putovanju do mora ovi queer dečaci žele da provedu vreme zajedno daleko od uzavrelog grada Berlina u kome žive. Taj put se završava sa dve torte u pesku. Šta ako se dvoje ljudi voli, ali ne mogu da žive zajedno?

Torten im Sand

Can love rescue what sex destroys?
Tim and Julian are deeply in love but the gay couple can’t have sex with each other. When you can’t sexually satisfy the person you love is this enough reason to quit a long relationship? We give the answer! On a weekend trip to the sea the queer boys want to spend some time together away from the pulsating city of Berlin where they live. This trip ends with two cakes in the sand. What, if two people love each other but can’t live with each other?