Uncoloured Girl


Bezbojna devojka

Kratki film

Režija: Charlie Garcia Villalba

Španija, 2018.

Trajanje: 16 min.

Eli je studentkinja fotografije i daltonista je. Ona može da vidi samo crnu i belu boju. Na žurci, ona će sresti staru ljubav koja će joj promeniti život. Eli će morati da odluci da li će živeti novim životom ili prihvatiti sebe onakvom kakva je.

Uncoloured Girl

Short film

Director: Charlie Garcia Villalba

Spain, 2018

Duration: 16 min

Eli, is a photography student suffering from achromatopsia, so she can only see in black and white. At a party, she will meet an old love that will change her life. Eli will have to decide whether to live this new life or accept herself as she is.

Charlie Garcia Villalba

Charlie García Villalba, Sevillian director based in Barcelona, has a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Seville. He has recently completed his studies with a Master’s Degree in Film Direction, and another in Cinematography at ESCAC. Uncoloured Girl is his fifth short film as director, this one is his most ambitious project to date.