

Nedelja, 9. decembar 2018. – 17:00-18:40 VELIKA SALA Doma omladine Beograda

Režija:  Anatol Schuster

Uloge: Paula Hüttisch, Lara Feith

Nemačka, Francuska 2017.

Trajanje: 91 min.

Manjina ljubav prema neustrašivo nezavisnoj Louk je hvata brzo i jako – doslovno i figurativno. Njihov susret se desio neočekivano u šumi iza Manjinog stana i to doslovnim sudarom, tako što je Louk srušila iznenađenu Manju na zemlju. Nakon toga, dala je nežan poljubac zahvalnice Manji ne dajući joj da pobegne. Stvari se razvijaju u smeru naklonjenosti ka buntovnoj devojci koja će pratiti kako studiozna Manja radi stvari koje ona inače ne bi, kako bi sačuvala neutešno izgubljenu Louk, čija majka više nije živa, a otac gotovo da I nije prisutan u njenom životu.


Director: Anatol Schuster

Cast: Paula Hüttisch, Lara Feith

Germany, 2017

Duration: 91 min

Manja’s love for the fiercely independent Louk hits her hard and fast – literally and figuratively. Their first encounter in the woods behind Manja’s apartment block is a collision, with Louk knocking a surprised Manja to the ground. But she then exchanges a soft kiss of thanks for Manja not giving her position away to her pursuers. It develops into a devotion to the rebellious girl that will see the studious Manja do things she wouldn’t normally do in order to be close to and take care of the achingly lost Louk, whose mother is no longer around and father might as well not be. Air is a delicate film with nuanced performances from its two leads and a surprising depth at its heart.

Anatol Schuster

Anatol Schuster, born in 1985, studied directing at the University of Television and Film in Munich. He realized various experimental short films and worked as 2nd assistant director for Edgar Reitz. Besides he works as a freelance editor and director.  His mid-length fiction A PERFECT PLACE, his first production with wirFILM, won the award „Dialogue en perspective“ at the International Film Festival Berlin in 2015. AIR is his degree film and his feature debut.
