Vilijam S. Barouz: Čovek iznutra
Director / Režija: Yony Leyser
USA, 2010
Trajanje/ Duration: 87 min.
Film istražuje život legendarnog beat pesnika i američke ikone, William S. Burroughs. Rođen kao naslednik Burroughs imanja, borio se u životu sa zavisnošću, sistemom kontrole i samim sobom. Bio je prisiljen da se suoči sa tragedijom ubistva supruge i posledicama zapostavljanja sina. Njegov roman, „Goli Ručak“, bila je jedna od zabranjenih knjiga od strane američke Vlade. Alen Ginsberg i Norman Mailer su svedočili u korist knjige. Vremenom su sudovi preinačili odluku iz 1966, presuđujući da knjiga ima bitne sdruštvene vrednosti. Roman je jedno od najpriznatijih književnih dela dvadesetog veka
William S. Burroughs: A Man Within
The film investigates the life of legendary beat author and American icon, William S. Burroughs. Born the heir of the Burroughs’ adding machine estate, he struggled throughout his life with addiction, control systems and self. He was forced to deal with the tragedy of killing his wife and the repercussions of neglecting his soon. His novel, Naked Lunch, was one of the books to be banned by the U.S. government. Allen Ginsberg and Norman Mailer testified on behalf of the book. The courts eventually overturned their decision in 1966, ruling that the book had important social value. It remains one of the most recognized literary work of the 20th century.