Delivery Boy
Kratki film
Režija: Hugo Kenzo
Hong Kong, 2019.
Trajanje: 15 min.
Lokalni dostavljač Chunho nakon što mu je dostavio knedle, zaljubljuje se u Erica, advokata iz Amerike koji živi u Hong Kongu. Njihova ljubav za hranom i muzikom iz 70-ih ih zbližava, ali razlika u staležu će im konačno stati na put.
Delivery Boy
Short film
Director: Hugo Kenzo
Hong Kong, 2019
Duration: 15 min
Local delivery boy Chunho falls in love after delivering dumplings to Eric, an American lawyer living in Hong Kong. Their love for food and cheesy 70s music bring them together, but the class difference between the two of them eventually gets in the way.
Hugo Kenzo
Born in Brazil from Japanese parents, Hugo Kenzo is a writer, director and producer currently living in Hong Kong. Before making his way to this side of the globe, he lived in New York for 6 years, where he attended the prestigious Columbia University and pursued his Masters Degree in film. During that time, he strengthened his skills as a writer/director. His short film debut No Clothes premiered at Toronto’s Inside Out and screened in several other festivals around the world, including Germany, Ireland, Canada, India, the US and Brazil. After graduating with honors in 2014, Hugo landed a job at HBO, under the guidance of Emmy-award winner Amy Schatz. He went on to work closely with Oscar-nominee director Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan, Requiem for a Dream), during the post-production of his biblical blockbuster Noah. But it was in 2016 that his life took an amazing turn. He started working for Oscar-winning director, humanitarian and personal idol Jonathan Demme (Silence of the Lambs, Rachel Getting Married) and remained by his side until his passing on April 2017. As a director’s assistant, he learned about the art of filmmaking from a true genius. He’s currently writing for 2 interactive apps – Cliffhanger and Episode, while his original pilot Positive is being optioned by one of the largest production companies in Latin America. A cat lover and an amateur carpenter, his main goal is to make a difference by making films.