Kratki film
Režiser: Štefan Langtaler
Austrija, 2020.
Trajanje: 30 minuta
Osamdesetogodišnji penzioner Artur živi u skromnom domu u Beču. Već duže vreme s ljubavlju brine o svojoj teško bolesnoj supruzi Marti, a pomažu mu samo ženske medicinske sestre. Kada se novi muški mađarski negovatelj Fabiu pojavi, njegova rutina je narušena. Ali ubrzo se dvojica muškaraca zbližavaju i u Arturu počinju da rastu osećaji želje i potisnute čežnje.
Short film
Director: Stefan Langthaler
Austria, 2020
Duration: 30
80-year-old retiree Arthur lives in a modest home in Vienna. For quite some time he has lovingly been caring for his seriously ill wife Martha, with only female nurses assisting him. When the new male Hungarian care worker Fabiu enters the picture, his routine is broken. But soon the two men become closer and inside Arthur feelings of desire and suppressed longing start to rise.