Kraljičina milja
Kratki film
Režija: Martin Delaney
Velika Britanija (Engleski sa srpskim titlom)
Trajanje: 9 minuta
Devojka od dvadeset i nesto godina dolazi u poznati deo Londona gde upita stranca da je slika. Ona nije turistkinja, njen akcenat je lokalni i njena kamera nije ono cime se ljudi slikaju danas, sa sve selfi stapom. U jednoj cudnoj razmeni, polaroid fotka je konacno napravljena a devojka fotografiju stavlja u svoju knjigu kolaza.
Martin Delaney
Martin je glumac skoro 20 godina. Karijeru je započeo sa 17 godina kada je glumio glavnu ulogu u prvom Nickelodeonovom britanskom tv-šou i u„Renford rejects“. Glumio je glavnu ulogu u „Family affairs“, što mu je donelo mnogobrojne nominacije za najboljeg novajliju i najboljeg glumca. Kasnije se priključio novozelandskoj najpopularnijoj drami “Shortland Street” gde je glumio u stalnoj postavi. Njegova karijera sačinjena je od mnogobrojnih pojavljivanja u britanskihm TV dramama kao što su “Wycliffe”, “Pie in The Sky”, “Casualty”, kao i u nedavno izašlim hit-serijama “The Promise”, “The Shadow Line” i “Robin Hood”.
Martin Delaney is an actor of almost 20 years. His screen career started at just 17 when he starred in Nickelodeon’s first British TV show, the BAFTA nominated ‘Renford Rejects’ which he appeared in for 4 years. He starred in ‘Family Affairs’ for 3 years, earning him multiple award nominations for Best Newcomer and Best Actor. He later joined New Zealand’s biggest drama ‘Shortland Street’ playing a regular in the show. His career is made up of numerous appearances in classic British TV dramas such as ‘Wycliffe’, ‘Pie in The Sky’, ‘Casualty’ as well as more recent hits such as ‘The Promise’, ‘The Shadow Line’ and ‘Robin Hood’.
Queen’s Mile (2016)
Short film
Director: Martin Delaney
UK (English with Serbian subtitles)
Duration: 9′
A twenty something girl approaches a familiar part of London, where she asks a stranger to take her picture. She’s not a tourist, her accent is a local one and her camera isn’t your standard digital, complete with selfie stick. In an awkward exchange, the Polaroid picture is finally taken and the girl places the image in her collage book.