Letnje noći
Les nuits d’été (2014)
Režija: Mario Fanfani
Uloge: Guillaume de Tonquedec, Jeanne Balibar, Nicolas Bouchaud
Jezik: Francuski
Titl: Engleski, srpski
Trajanje: 104 ‘
Queer Lion na Venecijanskom filmskom festivalu
Metz, istok Francuske, 1959.
Mišel i Helena Aubertin predstavljaju savršen par.Mišel je ambiciozni notar, a Helena provodi vreme baveći se dobrotvornim radom i odgajajući njihovog sina Žakija. Nema ničeg neobičnog u vezi s njima osim činjenice da Mišel ima mračnu tajnu: svakog vikenda on odlazi u Les Epiceas, njegovu kuću u Vosges šumi, kako bi postao Mylène pod nadzorom Flavie, iskusnog transvestita i njegovog bivšeg saborca u lažnom ratu. U nameri da se posveti izboru za predsednika svog profesionanog udruženja i svojoj ulozi muža i oca, Mišel stavlja tačku na svoj dvostruki život i odlučuje se da proda kuću. Ali Mišel će uskoro još jednom podleći svojim nagonima. Pod uticajem Flavije, kuća u šumi postaje Vila Mimi, tačka okupljanja grupe muškaraca koji slobodno bivaju ženama. Ova utopija ne može trajati: Paskal, mladi dezerter iz Alžirskog rata traži utočiste u Vili, a Helena počinje da postavlja sebi neka ozbiljna pitanja o misterioznim odsustvima svoga muža…
Prikazivanje ovog filma podržano je od strane Francuskog instituta u Beogradu
Summer Nights (2014)
France (French)
Director: Mario Fanfani
Stars: Guillaume de Tonquedec, Jeanne Balibar, Nicolas Bouchaud
Duration: 104’
Queer Lion – Venice Film Festival
Metz, East of France, 1959.
Michel and Hélène Aubertin form a perfect couple. Michel is an ambitious notary and Hélène divides her time between charity work and raising their son Jacky. There is nothing unusual about them apart from the fact that Michel has a dark secret: every weekend, he goes to Les Épicéas, his house in the Vosges forest, to become Mylène beneath the gaze of Flavia, an experienced transvestite and his former comrade in arms during the phony war. Determined to devote himself to his election as chairman of his professional association and to his role as a husband and father, Michel ends this double life and puts the house on the market. But Michel is soon overcome by his urges once more. Under Flavia’s influence, the house in the forest becomes the Villa Mimi, the rallying point for a small group of men who play freely at being women. This utopia cannot last: Pascal, a young deserter from the Algerian War, seeks refuge at the Villa and Hélène begins to ask herself some serious questions about her husband’s mysterious absences…
This screening supported by the French Institute in Belgrade