Tierra Madre


NEDELJA 6.2.2011. (21:00)
Majka zemlja
Director / Režija: Dylan Verrechia
Cast / Uloge: Aidee Gonzalez, Rosalba Valenzuela
Meksiko, 2010
Trajanje/ Duration: 67 min.

Ovo je film zasnovan na istinitom događaju o ženi koja živi u graničnim gradovima Tecate i Tijuana i koja je odlučna da odgaji svoju decu uz pomoć svoje partnerke. Priča je upečatljivo svedočenje o snazi, nezavisnosti i solidarnosti žena svih doba. U tradiciji poznatih reditelja kao što su Satyajit Ray, De Sica i Luis Buñuel, Tierra Madre je snimljena sa naturščicima, za tri nedelje i budžetom od 2000 dolara.

Tierra Madre is based on Aidee Gonzalez’s true life, a woman living on the Mexican border towns of Tecate and Tijuana, determined to raise her children with her female partner. This narrative feature makes the strong case of the strength, the independence and the solidarity that exits among women of all ages. In the tradition of the films of Satyajit Ray, De Sica and Luis Buñuel, Tierra Madre was developed and shot with a cast of all non-actors, during a three week period with a budget of $2,000 and a crew of one.