U krug
Kratki film
Režija: Texas & Glory
Nemačka, 2018.
Trajanje: 6 min.
Bruce je 31-godišnji gej muškarac. Nikada nije živio klasičan scenario “dečko sreće dečka u baru”. U potrazi za ljubavlju, on koristi aplikaciju za upoznavanje. Šta on pronalazi? Brzu avanturu i nadu da je to njegov čovek iz snova.
Shot film
Directors: Texas & Glory
Germany, 2018.
Duration: 6 min.
Bruce is a 31 year old gay man. He never lived the classic scenario “boy meets boy in a bar”. In search of love, he uses a dating app. What does he find? Fast adventure and hopefully his dream man.
Texas & Glory
Texas & Glory is a collective of two artists defining themselves as feminist art punks. The main topics we are working on are sexuality, gender identity and lgbttiq* from a queer feminist perspective. among others, we are expressing our ideas through videos, photographs and graphic novels. Texas Black, female, lesbian, based in Germany. Feminist art punk. My passion is experimental art. Glory, non-binary, omnisexual, based in the world. I am the rational conscience, maybe the fear that lurks within us all.