Nun of Your Business


Režija: Ivana Marinić Kragić
Zemlja: Hrvatska, Srbija
Trajanje: 71
Dokumentarni film

Dve mlade časne sestre upoznaju se na katoličkom okupljanju u Zagrebu i zaljubljuju se. Žive u dva odvojena samostana, a prostori koje su nekada smatrale utočištem utehe i duhovnog ispunjenja postaju zemaljski u većoj meri nego što su očekivale. Razočarane Crkvom i seksualnim i psihičkim zlostavljanjem unutar institucije, a vođene svojom ljubavlju, donose najtežu odluku svog života – da napuste samostan.

Nun of Your Business

Director: Ivana Marinić Kragić
Country of Origin: Croatia, Serbia
Duration: 71
Documentary film

Two young nuns meet during a Catholic gathering in Croatia and fall in love. They live in two separate convents, but the spaces they once considered havens of solace and spiritual fulfillment turn out to be more earhly than expected. Disillusioned by the Church and the sexual and psychological abuse within, yet driven by blossoming love, they make the most difficult decision of their life – to leave the convent.