

Kratki film
Režiser: Agustina Komedi
Argentina, 2019.
Trajanje: 14 minuta

U Kordovi, daleko od argentinske prestonice, kraj vojnog režima obećava proleće koje traje vrlo kratko. “La Delpi” je jedina preživela grupa prijatelja transrodnih žena i dreg kraljica, koje su počele da umiru od AIDS-a krajem 80-ih. U katoličkom i konzervativnom gradu, grupa Kalas pravila je oružje i rovove od improvizovanih haljina i plejbekova. Danas slike jedinstvenih i nepoznatih snimaka nisu samo oproštajno pismo, već i manifest prijateljstva.

Short film
Director: Agustina Comedi
Argentina, 2019
Duration: 14

In Córdoba, far from the Argentinian capital, the end of a military regime promises a spring that lasts very little. “La Delpi” is the only survivor of a group of transgender women and drag queen friends, who began to die of AIDS in the late 80s. In a Catholic and conservative city, the Kalas Group made their weapons and trenches out of improvised dresses and playbacks. Today the images of a unique and unknown footage are not only a farewell letter, but also a friendship manifesto.